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Productivity , Home Office

Advantages of Home Office for Employees and Companies

21 de February de 2024 - 13h12m

The work dynamics change over time, so it is important to understand the advantages of home office for employees and companies. Undoubtedly, one of the most remarkable advantages is the emergence of remote work.

This pattern is becoming increasingly common and quickly consolidating as one of the trends. This is due to the various benefits that companies renting a home office obtain. In fact, both companies and employees benefit from remote task development. However, many managers still do not know if working from home is ideal for their business. Advantages of Home Office for employees and companies

How home office works in practice

In practice, labor reforms dictate that the home office model does not provide for the control of working hours. This means that there are no overtime hours worked. This condition applies even in cases where employees travel to the company. In certain circumstances, employees need to come to the company to perform activities that cannot be done remotely. It is worth noting that the presence of employees does not eliminate the classification of the employment contract as home office. However, companies need to define what tasks employees will perform through employment contracts. The document must also specify the conditions inherent to the equipment necessary to carry out the activity remotely. If the employee is responsible for any costs associated with equipment, it should be reimbursed by the company. Companies also need to inform employees about health standards and recommended ergonomic practices. Finally, the employment contract must also document that the adoption of home office was obtained with the consent of the employee.

Benefits provided by home office work

Home offices offer many advantages for companies and employees. Check out the main ones! Increased Productivity Contrary to popular belief, performing professional tasks at home does not have to be a confusing process. If that were the case, home office would not be employed by various companies around the world. In fact, home office offers very significant benefits in terms of employee comfort. At home, employees can identify a specific space as a place to carry out activities. Attracting the Best Collaborators Because of the freedom and comfort it provides, home office is a strong attraction for numerous collaborators. More and more people are looking for companies that offer more than just good salaries. Especially in big cities, the commute to and from work is tiring. Therefore, the possibility of working from home is already a decisive factor in choosing a company. Greater Savings and Investments Using the same line of thinking as before, we conclude that home office is also essential for retaining employees. Every successful organization has great employees. Companies that hire employees for home office work do not need to worry about certain costs. One of them is the travel expenses of employees. Since the tasks will be performed remotely, the company will not spend resources on gasoline. The same goes for paying bus or subway fare, for example. Additionally, the organization has managed to significantly reduce the total number of rooms required to operate a physical office. Evaluating the profile of employees who can work remotely The first point to analyze is the employee's behavioral profile. After all, it doesn't take much to discover that not every professional fits this archetype of position. The employee must have good self-organizational skills and be committed to the activities for which they are responsible. Adequate Software and Hardware Infrastructure Another relevant factor is the set of devices available to employees. For example, if the execution of a task requires running "heavy" programs, employees must be equipped with appropriately configured equipment for that purpose. Otherwise, productivity gains will result in slow and costly processes. After making sure you have the right team and equipment for home office, you can put it into practice. However, we must not forget that employee performance also needs to be constantly evaluated, as the rest of the company already does. For this, companies that hire home office employees also need a modern and effective management software, such as Monitoo, which can measure the productivity of your employees in a useful way without invading their privacy. If home office is the future, then information technology is alongside it. Companies that see this connection earlier differentiate themselves in the market much more quickly. Want to learn more about Monitoo and measure your employees' productivity? Visit www.monitoo.com.br and get in touch with us! Do you already know the advantages of home office for employees and companies? Leave your comment! If you are interested in getting the best out of your team in a home office environment using our software and productivity monitoring, click here and watch a presentation of the system for free. If you haven't requested your trial yet, don't waste time. Request your trial now


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